Kveikur from Stangarlæk sold out of the country for record money!

The stallion Kveikur frá Stangarlæk have been sold to Denmark and the buyers are the couple Flemming Fast and Gitte Fast Lambertssen, who already have the stallion Viðar frá Skör that they bought last year but they are building very good facilities for their horses outside. Flemming Fast is a well-known figure in the Danish business community, and has extensive business in the restaurant industry and runs, for example, numerous hamburger places. He is too often called a "fast food king" in business newspapers in Denmark, and a play on words refers to his name and the fast food restaurants he runs.

It is Kveiks breeders who sell the horse, Ragna Björnsdóttir and Birgir Leó Ólafsson at Stangarlækur. Kveikur is after Sjóður frá Kirkjubær and Raketta frá Kjarnholtum. Kveikur thoroughly broke through at Landsmót hestamanna 2018 where he got a total score of 8.76 without a pace, among other things with 10 for tölt and 10 for will and temperament. He has also won 8.53 in the preliminary competition in tölt, the only tournament he has participated in. The horse has 138 registered offspring, which is expected to increase considerably next spring after extensive use this summer.

The purchase price of the horse is not given more than usual in the case of such expensive and well-known horses, but it is estimated to run into tens of millions of Icelandic kronas. Sources from Hestafrétta say that this is probably the most expensive horse that has ever changed owners in Iceland. It will not be finally decided when the horse will leave the country, but according to Hestafréttir's sources, the new owners are even thinking of keeping him in Iceland for another year. It is Aðalheiður Anna Guðjónsdóttir who has had problems with training, shows and shows on the horse lately, but whether she will continue with the horse remains to be seen. It attracted a lot of attention, for example, when the Danish couple bought Viðar from Skör, that the rider was changed even though the horse was still in Iceland. Helga Una Björnsdóttir then took over the training from Árni Björn Pálsson who had previously taken over the horse from Rósa Birna Þorvaldsdóttir. It remains to be seen whether Kveikur will now go to Helga Una in Fákshólar.

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