T1 – Tölt: 09 Jan 2020 Print Back Other rankings: T1 – T2 – T3 – T4 – V1 – V2 – F1 – F2 – PP1 – P1...
World Cup
Talent judgments of 5-year-old mares and stallions. This evening conformation for 5-year-old mares and stallions were held. Sabina frá Fosson – Norway’s representative stands at the top of the...
Competition Results
World Cup
HM Berlin: Árni Björn and Flaumur frá Sólvangur / see video
Árni Björn and Flaumur in the lead! Sæti. Knapi Hestur einkunn 1 Árni Björn Pálsson Flaumur frá Sólvangi 7.67 2 Jóhann R. Skúlason Finnbogi frá Minni-Reykjum 7.43 2 Christina...
Now are all confirmation judgment completed Most of the Icelandic horses raised their buildings outside be side Nói frá Stóra Hofi and Mjallhvíti frá Þverholtum they loerd and Elja...
The well-known star of the Icelandic music scene Helgi Björnsson is the composer and performer of the official song of the World Championships for Icelandic horses 2019. Lover of the...
For the first time, a big Stallions Night will take place at the World Championships for Icelandic horses in Berlin. Some of the most talented stallions from all over...
WELCOME TO THE 2019 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN BERLIN On August 4-11, 2019 Pferdesportpark Berlin-Karlshorst will be hosting the World Championships for Icelandic Horses. Preparations are well under way to...
ÍToday, a preliminary round in fourgait in masterclass took place. Exciting and strong preliminaries most likely the strongest so far, but that was Árni Björn Pálsson and Flaumur from...
Charlotte Cook og Sæla frá Þóreyjarnúpi með besta tímann og Teitur Árnason annar eftir fyrri umferð í 250m skeiði á WM-2017. P1 Pace Race 250 m POS # RIDER...