The rider of the year 2022 is Árni Björn Pálssonen it was announced just now at the award ceremony of the Landsamband that is held in fák’s community centre. This is the fifth time Árni Björn has complied with the title. The announcement from the National Union states:
“Árni Björn’s success in 2022 was incredible, but he has been at the forefront of all disciplines in horse sports this year. The highlights are the unique results at the 2022 National Equestrian Championships, where he won the National Championships for the fourth time in his career, now at Ljúf from Torfunes and in group B of horses at Ljósvaka from Valstrýta as well as being at the forefront of breeding horse performances at the tournament.
Árni Björn also became Icelandic champion in Tölti T1 at Ljúf from Torfunes, tops the ranking of the year in five years with Katla from Hemla and was victorious in the 2022 Champions League. Árni Björn Pálsson is an exceptional rider, a true role model for his dedication, ambition and professionalism in every respect, and he therefore holds the title of Rider of the Year 2022.”
Other nominees
All nominated riders in the adult categories were considered as “Rider of the Year 2022”.