FEIF WorldRanking 2020

T1 – Tölt: 09 Jan 2020 Print Back
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Ranking 2020
The FEIF WorldRanking is based upons the best 3 marks per rider in T1 – Tölt in the period 09 Jan 2018 … 08 Jan 2020. Only marks of 5.50 or higher are taken into account.

World Champions:
Jóhann R. Skúlason (IS) with Finnbogi frá Minni-Reykjum [IS2010158040]
Franziska Mueser (DE) with Spölur frá Njarðvík [IS2006125765] – Young Rider

Highest mark registered in the FEIF WorldRanking:
Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson with Júlía frá Hamarsey [IS2009282316] mark: 8.97 (22 Jul 2018 – Reykjavík: Íslandsmót fullorðinna – IS)

Pos. Rider Average Countries Best 3 marks
1 Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson 8.877 IS 8.97; 8.93; 8.73 (of 12)
2 Jóhann R. Skúlason 8.843 WC SE DK DE 8.90; 8.83; 8.80 (of 7)
3 Árni Björn Pálsson 8.790 IS 8.93; 8.77; 8.67 (of 5)
4 Nils Christian Larsen 8.687 DE DK NO NC WC 8.80; 8.63; 8.63 (of 11)
5 Viðar Ingólfsson 8.520 IS NC 8.73; 8.43; 8.40 (of 11)
6 Bernhard Podlech 8.500 WC DE MC CH 8.57; 8.50; 8.43 (of 8)
7 Karly Zingsheim 8.490 DE AT WC 8.57; 8.53; 8.37 (of 7)
8 Uli Reber 8.433 DE MC 8.63; 8.40; 8.27 (of 6)
9 Lisa Drath 8.333 MC DE WC 8.57; 8.33; 8.10 (of 10)
10 Siguroddur Pétursson 8.323 IS 8.57; 8.27; 8.13 (of 5)

11 Gabrielle Severinsen 8.267 NO SE NC WC 8.57; 8.40; 7.83 (of 7)
12 Frederikke Stougård 8.220 DK WC NC 8.30; 8.23; 8.13 (of 9)
13 Katie Sundin Brumpton 8.210 SE 8.30; 8.23; 8.10 (of 7)
14 Hulda Gústafsdóttir 8.200 IS 8.30; 8.17; 8.13 (of 7)
15 Stina Larsen 8.190 NC DK DE 8.50; 8.07; 8.00 (of 10)
16 Hans-Christian Løwe 8.167 DK DE SE WC NC 8.27; 8.13; 8.10 (of 17)
17 Eyjólfur Þorsteinsson 8.047 NC SE WC 8.07; 8.07; 8.00 (of 11)
18 Ladina Sigurbjörnsson-Foppa 7.990 MC DE CH 8.07; 8.00; 7.90 (of 6)
19 Sys Pilegaard 7.933 DK SE 8.07; 7.93; 7.80 (of 10)
20 Olivia Ritschel 7.923 DE WC 8.07; 7.87; 7.83 (of 6)

21 Elín Holst 7.900 IS 8.00; 7.87; 7.83 (of 7)
22 Kristján Magnússon 7.890 SE NC WC 8.00; 7.87; 7.80 (of 9)
23 Haukur Tryggvason 7.887 NC DE 8.03; 7.83; 7.80 (of 6)
24 Þórarinn Ragnarsson 7.867 IS 8.00; 7.87; 7.73 (of 6)
25 Thomas Larsen 7.847 NO NC WC 8.17; 7.80; 7.57 (of 11)
26 Kristian Tofte Ambo 7.767 DK SE NC 7.80; 7.80; 7.70 (of 10)
26 Oliver Egli 7.767 CH DE MC 8.00; 7.73; 7.57 (of 5)
28 Christina Johansen 7.743 DE DK SE 7.93; 7.73; 7.57 (of 11)
29 Irene Reber 7.710 DE MC WC 8.00; 7.63; 7.50 (of 6)
30 Steffi Svendsen 7.663 DK DE SE NC 7.83; 7.73; 7.43 (of 13)

31 Sigurður Sigurðarson 7.643 IS NC 7.73; 7.70; 7.50 (of 12)
32 Christina Lund 7.590 NO WC NC 7.87; 7.73; 7.17 (of 7)
32 Magnús Skúlason 7.590 SE 7.77; 7.67; 7.33 (of 6)
32 Pierre Sandsten Hoyos 7.590 AT NC SE 7.67; 7.57; 7.53 (of 5)
35 Laura Steffens 7.587 DE MC 7.73; 7.53; 7.50 (of 6)
36 Unn Kroghen Aðalsteinsson 7.580 SE 7.90; 7.57; 7.27 (of 3)
37 Lára Jóhannsdóttir 7.567 IS 7.67; 7.53; 7.50 (of 6)
38 Caroline Poulsen 7.547 SE DK 7.97; 7.40; 7.27 (of 8)
38 Erlingur Erlingsson 7.547 SE 8.00; 7.37; 7.27 (of 8)
38 Matthías Leó Matthíasson 7.547 IS 7.57; 7.57; 7.50 (of 7)

41 Emil Fredsgård Obelitz 7.543 DK 7.70; 7.50; 7.43 (of 7)
41 Maria Berg 7.543 SE 7.83; 7.43; 7.37 (of 5)
43 Christa Rike 7.523 DE BE NL DK MC 7.63; 7.57; 7.37 (of 14)
43 Franziska Mueser 7.523 DE WC DK 7.70; 7.50; 7.37 (of 11)
43 Hanna Rún Ingibergsdóttir 7.523 IS 7.70; 7.50; 7.37 (of 7)
46 Janus Halldór Eiríksson 7.500 IS 7.70; 7.47; 7.33 (of 6)
47 Hinrik Bragason 7.490 IS 7.77; 7.43; 7.27 (of 7)
48 Jóhanna Margrét Snorradóttir 7.467 IS 7.57; 7.43; 7.40 (of 5)
49 Jamila Berg 7.457 NC SE 7.70; 7.50; 7.17 (of 4)
50 Dennis Hedebo Johansen 7.453 DK SE 7.53; 7.43; 7.40 (of 6)
50 Þórarinn Eymundsson 7.453 IS 7.63; 7.43; 7.30 (of 6)

52 Katharina Fritsch 7.443 DE 7.50; 7.43; 7.40 (of 5)
53 Camilla Wangen 7.433 NO 7.83; 7.27; 7.20 (of 6)
53 Elvar Þormarsson 7.433 IS 7.57; 7.50; 7.23 (of 5)
55 Bernt Severinsen 7.390 NO SE NC 7.50; 7.40; 7.27 (of 9)
56 Ævar Örn Guðjónsson 7.387 IS 7.60; 7.43; 7.13 (of 4)
57 Anna Christine Ulbæk 7.377 DK SE 7.43; 7.37; 7.33 (of 12)
58 Elise Lundhaug 7.367 NO NC WC DK 7.50; 7.30; 7.30 (of 18)
58 Louise Löfgren 7.367 SE NC DK 7.47; 7.33; 7.30 (of 10)
60 Rasmus Møller Jensen 7.357 DK NC 7.77; 7.17; 7.13 (of 11)

61 Søren Madsen 7.347 DK WC 7.57; 7.27; 7.20 (of 7)
62 Agnes Helga Helgadóttir 7.343 NO NC DK 7.63; 7.23; 7.17 (of 8)
62 Ásmundur Ernir Snorrason 7.343 IS 7.40; 7.40; 7.23 (of 7)
62 Sigrid Bisgaard Amstrup 7.343 DK SE DE NC 7.43; 7.33; 7.27 (of 9)
62 Trine Risvang 7.343 DK DE 7.60; 7.40; 7.03 (of 5)
66 Filippa Helltén 7.337 SE 7.67; 7.17; 7.17 (of 6)
67 Bergur Jónsson 7.323 IS 7.40; 7.30; 7.27 (of 8)
67 Lena Zielinski 7.323 IS 7.50; 7.27; 7.20 (of 10)
67 Louise Sieka 7.323 SE DK 7.50; 7.30; 7.17 (of 11)
67 Styrmir Árnason 7.323 DE 7.57; 7.23; 7.17 (of 7)

71 Thomas Wendt 7.300 DE 7.40; 7.27; 7.23 (of 5)
72 Johanna Beuk 7.277 DE DK 7.40; 7.23; 7.20 (of 9)
73 Marco Nickäs 7.270 DE 7.27; 7.27; 7.27 (of 6)
74 Thorsten Reisinger 7.267 DE 7.33; 7.27; 7.20 (of 8)
75 Helena Kroghen Aðalsteinsdóttir 7.257 SE 7.27; 7.27; 7.23 (of 10)
75 Helga Una Björnsdóttir 7.257 IS 7.33; 7.27; 7.17 (of 5)
75 Shirin Geier 7.257 DE 7.27; 7.27; 7.23 (of 5)
78 Anne Balslev 7.253 SE DK DE 7.43; 7.23; 7.10 (of 24)
79 Telma Tómasson 7.247 IS 7.27; 7.27; 7.20 (of 7)
80 Filippa Montan 7.243 SE 7.33; 7.23; 7.17 (of 10)

81 Anne Stine Haugen 7.223 DK SE NO 7.50; 7.30; 6.87 (of 4)
81 Gerd Flender 7.223 DE MC 7.27; 7.20; 7.20 (of 9)
83 Emilie Tofte Ambo 7.200 NC SE DK 7.43; 7.17; 7.00 (of 5)
83 Johan Häggberg 7.200 SE NO 7.30; 7.17; 7.13 (of 6)
83 Sigursteinn Sumarliðason 7.200 IS 7.23; 7.20; 7.17 (of 4)
86 Lea Brill 7.190 MC DE 7.30; 7.20; 7.07 (of 4)
86 Nathalie Silverberg Edh 7.190 SE NC 7.37; 7.20; 7.00 (of 4)
88 Sigurður Óli Kristinsson 7.187 DK 7.30; 7.23; 7.03 (of 4)
89 Benjamín Sandur Ingólfsson 7.180 IS 7.40; 7.07; 7.07 (of 6)
89 Teresa Schmelter 7.180 DE WC 7.30; 7.17; 7.07 (of 6)

91 Finnur Bessi Svavarsson 7.177 SE 7.23; 7.17; 7.13 (of 6)
92 Frederikke Bøgeblad Larsen 7.170 DK SE 7.37; 7.07; 7.07 (of 12)
92 Yrsa Danielsson 7.170 SE WC 7.27; 7.17; 7.07 (of 7)
94 Atli Freyr Maríönnuson 7.147 IS 7.30; 7.07; 7.07 (of 4)
95 Hjalti Gudmundsson 7.133 SE 7.17; 7.13; 7.10 (of 9)
95 Marie Hollstein 7.133 DE MC DK 7.20; 7.13; 7.07 (of 6)
95 Ragnhildur Haraldsdóttir 7.133 IS 7.47; 7.00; 6.93 (of 4)
98 Susanna Dedecek 7.130 MC DE 7.13; 7.13; 7.13 (of 5)
99 Charlotta Rydin 7.123 SE 7.30; 7.07; 7.00 (of 7)
99 Claude Amport 7.123 CH 7.30; 7.27; 6.80 (of 3)

101 Ásdís Ósk Elvarsdóttir 7.120 IS WC 7.13; 7.13; 7.10 (of 5)
102 Martin Rønnestad 7.113 NL DE 7.20; 7.07; 7.07 (of 6)
103 Hjörvar Ágústsson 7.103 IS 7.27; 7.17; 6.87 (of 4)
104 Hauke Wald 7.100 DE 7.27; 7.23; 6.80 (of 3)
105 Berglind Rósa Guðmundsdóttir 7.090 SE 7.13; 7.07; 7.07 (of 8)
105 Robin Haraldsen 7.090 SE 7.13; 7.07; 7.07 (of 7)
107 Sebastian Benje 7.080 SE 7.50; 7.07; 6.67 (of 3)
108 Helgi Þór Guðjónsson 7.057 IS 7.10; 7.07; 7.00 (of 4)
108 Sina Scholz 7.057 IS 7.37; 6.93; 6.87 (of 4)
110 Sasha Sommer 7.053 SE DK DE 7.33; 7.00; 6.83 (of 5)

111 John Sigurjónsson 7.043 IS 7.27; 6.93; 6.93 (of 4)
112 Nicole Rubel-Leibold 7.033 DE 7.10; 7.07; 6.93 (of 5)
113 Eggert Helgason 7.023 IS 7.27; 7.00; 6.80 (of 4)
113 Lara Lange 7.023 DE 7.23; 7.07; 6.77 (of 4)
115 Lucie Maxheimer 7.020 DK DE MC 7.13; 7.00; 6.93 (of 7)
115 Thelma Dögg Tómasdóttir 7.020 IS 7.13; 7.00; 6.93 (of 7)
117 Inge-Petrine Bæk 7.010 SE DK 7.07; 7.03; 6.93 (of 7)
117 Viktoría Eik Elvarsdóttir 7.010 IS 7.13; 7.03; 6.87 (of 4)
119 Bylgja Gauksdóttir 7.000 IS 7.13; 7.00; 6.87 (of 7)
119 Sarah Bunzel 7.000 DE DK 7.17; 7.03; 6.80 (of 8)

121 Alexander Sgustav 6.997 AT 7.13; 6.93; 6.93 (of 3)
122 Davíð Jónsson 6.990 IS 7.17; 7.00; 6.80 (of 4)
122 Hlynur Guðmundsson 6.990 IS 7.30; 7.10; 6.57 (of 4)
124 Leó Geir Arnarson 6.980 IS 7.07; 7.00; 6.87 (of 6)
124 Uwe Brenner 6.980 DE CH 7.07; 7.00; 6.87 (of 5)
126 Gry Hagelund 6.967 NO 7.20; 6.93; 6.77 (of 9)
127 An-Magritt Morset 6.963 NO SE DK 7.13; 6.93; 6.83 (of 15)
128 Flurina Barandun 6.957 CH DE MC 7.07; 7.07; 6.73 (of 4)
128 Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir 6.957 IS 7.23; 6.87; 6.77 (of 6)
130 Josje Bahl 6.953 DE MC WC 7.00; 6.93; 6.93 (of 9)
130 Julie Christiansen 6.953 SE DK DE 7.03; 6.93; 6.90 (of 9)

132 Niels Lund Lindberg 6.947 SE 7.07; 7.00; 6.77 (of 4)
133 Gudrun Völkl 6.943 DE 7.03; 6.93; 6.87 (of 4)
133 Lisa Sachs 6.943 DE 7.43; 6.73; 6.67 (of 4)
135 Guðmundur Björgvinson 6.933 IS NC 7.80; 6.73; 6.27 (of 3)
135 Monique Cox 6.933 BE NL DE 7.10; 6.87; 6.83 (of 9)
137 Arnór Dan Kristinsson 6.923 IS NC SE 7.43; 7.27; 6.07 (of 4)
137 Johanna Asplund 6.923 SE 7.07; 6.93; 6.77 (of 6)
139 Stian Pedersen 6.913 NO 7.07; 6.87; 6.80 (of 7)
140 Jørgen Svendsen 6.900 DK SE 7.13; 6.87; 6.70 (of 10)

141 Clara Håkonsson 6.880 SE DE DK 7.07; 7.00; 6.57 (of 10)
141 Elisabeth Sylte 6.880 NO 7.07; 6.80; 6.77 (of 4)
143 Anders Stokbro 6.877 DK SE 7.00; 6.83; 6.80 (of 8)
143 Ólöf Rún Guðmundsdóttir 6.877 IS 7.13; 6.77; 6.73 (of 3)
143 Þórdís Inga Pálsdóttir 6.877 IS 7.20; 6.73; 6.70 (of 7)
146 Lena Studer 6.867 CH DE MC WC 6.93; 6.87; 6.80 (of 8)
147 Carina Piber 6.863 AT 6.93; 6.93; 6.73 (of 6)
147 Josefin Birkebro 6.863 SE 7.43; 6.93; 6.23 (of 3)
149 Bríet Guðmundsdóttir 6.857 IS 7.13; 6.87; 6.57 (of 5)
149 Marie Fjeld Egilsdottir 6.857 NO WC NC 7.07; 6.77; 6.73 (of 8)
149 Yvonne De Munck 6.857 NL BE 7.07; 6.83; 6.67 (of 4)

152 Charlotte Schulze Buschhoff 6.843 MC DE 7.00; 6.90; 6.63 (of 8)
153 Diljá Vilhjámsdóttir Menzinger 6.833 DE 7.00; 6.80; 6.70 (of 4)
154 Sophia Henke 6.823 DE DK 6.87; 6.80; 6.80 (of 6)
154 Valdimar Auðunsson 6.823 AT 7.07; 6.90; 6.50 (of 3)
156 Laura Hannover 6.800 SE DK 6.83; 6.80; 6.77 (of 12)
157 Elsa Mandal Hreggviðsdóttir 6.790 SE 6.87; 6.77; 6.73 (of 10)
158 Sarah Rosenberg Asmussen 6.787 DK SE NC WC 7.73; 6.50; 6.13 (of 7)
159 Hannah Österberg 6.780 SE 6.87; 6.77; 6.70 (of 8)
159 Lene Kamm 6.780 SE DK 6.97; 6.70; 6.67 (of 11)

161 Daníel Ingi Smárason 6.777 SE 6.87; 6.73; 6.73 (of 4)
161 Gyða Sveinbjörg Kristinsdóttir 6.777 IS 7.23; 6.67; 6.43 (of 5)
161 Marleen Stühler 6.777 MC DE 7.43; 6.57; 6.33 (of 3)
164 Lea Marie Heidinger 6.767 DE 6.93; 6.80; 6.57 (of 4)
165 Melanie Worbs 6.757 DE 6.87; 6.83; 6.57 (of 8)
165 Susanne Larsen Murphy 6.757 SE DK NO 7.27; 6.63; 6.37 (of 4)
167 Eva Menzinger 6.753 DE 6.93; 6.70; 6.63 (of 6)
167 Jens Füchtenschnieder 6.753 DE 6.80; 6.73; 6.73 (of 5)
169 Malin Olsson 6.747 SE 6.80; 6.77; 6.67 (of 7)
169 Tom Buijtelaar 6.747 BE NL DE WC 6.87; 6.70; 6.67 (of 8)

171 Amalie Astrup Jacobi 6.743 SE DK 7.23; 6.50; 6.50 (of 4)
171 Anne Sofie Nielsen 6.743 SE DK 6.77; 6.73; 6.73 (of 4)
173 Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson 6.723 IS 7.37; 7.13; 5.67 (of 3)
173 Mari Odenrud 6.723 NO NC 6.77; 6.73; 6.67 (of 11)
175 Smilla Beyer 6.720 DK SE 6.73; 6.73; 6.70 (of 9)
176 Mona G. Fjeld 6.710 NO 6.73; 6.73; 6.67 (of 6)
177 Kristín Lárusdóttir 6.700 IS 6.83; 6.67; 6.60 (of 3)
177 Veronika Rauch 6.700 DK 7.00; 6.67; 6.43 (of 3)
179 Silke Köhler-Trumpa 6.687 DE 7.00; 6.63; 6.43 (of 3)
180 Haukur Ingi Hauksson 6.680 IS 6.77; 6.70; 6.57 (of 3)

181 Clemens Geßner 6.677 DE 6.73; 6.73; 6.57 (of 3)
181 Liv Runa Sigtryggsdóttir 6.677 NO 6.73; 6.67; 6.63 (of 3)
181 Marianne Timmerman-Albers 6.677 BE NL 6.83; 6.77; 6.43 (of 5)
184 Dylan Humble 6.663 BE NL 6.73; 6.63; 6.63 (of 8)
184 Felicia Lindblom 6.663 SE 7.13; 6.43; 6.43 (of 3)
184 Pim Van Der Sloot 6.663 NL 6.93; 6.63; 6.43 (of 6)
187 Alina Bleichenbacher 6.657 CH 6.73; 6.67; 6.57 (of 4)
188 Rebekka Hyldgaard 6.647 DK 7.00; 6.57; 6.37 (of 4)
188 Sabina Svärd 6.647 SE 7.10; 6.47; 6.37 (of 4)
190 Arja Schuurmans 6.643 NL DE 6.73; 6.70; 6.50 (of 4)
190 Hanna Damouche 6.643 DE 6.73; 6.63; 6.57 (of 4)
190 Yves Van Peteghem 6.643 BE NL DE WC 6.73; 6.63; 6.57 (of 9)

193 Emilie Saaugaard-Haaning 6.633 DK DE NC 6.80; 6.60; 6.50 (of 6)
194 Mildrid Musdalslien 6.623 NO 6.80; 6.57; 6.50 (of 8)
195 Kristófer Darri Sigurðsson 6.620 IS 6.93; 6.60; 6.33 (of 3)
196 Birgitte Simoni 6.610 DK SE 6.63; 6.60; 6.60 (of 11)
196 Kristine B. Jørgensen 6.610 SE DK NC 6.73; 6.57; 6.53 (of 8)
196 Sandra Scherrer 6.610 CH DE AT 6.70; 6.70; 6.43 (of 6)
199 Ylva Hagander 6.600 SE 6.80; 6.63; 6.37 (of 5)
200 Carolin Storebø 6.590 NO DK 6.87; 6.47; 6.43 (of 8)
200 Marion Duintjer 6.590 NL DE BE 6.77; 6.57; 6.43 (of 5)
200 Nathalie Schmid 6.590 DE 6.77; 6.50; 6.50 (of 3)

203 Jack Eriksson 6.580 SE 6.70; 6.67; 6.37 (of 4)
204 Rikke Sejlund Lorentzen 6.570 DK 6.67; 6.57; 6.47 (of 12)
205 Carrie Lyons Brandt 6.567 US 6.70; 6.63; 6.37 (of 3)
205 Odette Nijssen 6.567 BE NL 6.63; 6.57; 6.50 (of 6)
205 Viktoria Matthiasson 6.567 AT 6.70; 6.63; 6.37 (of 4)
208 Dorte Rasmussen 6.557 DK 7.00; 6.40; 6.27 (of 3)
208 Mia Eckhoff 6.557 NO 6.83; 6.57; 6.27 (of 3)
208 Tina Kalmo Pedersen 6.557 NO 6.70; 6.57; 6.40 (of 6)

211 Brynja Sophie Arnason 6.547 DE IS 6.77; 6.57; 6.30 (of 6)
212 Anna S. Valdemarsdóttir 6.543 IS 6.83; 6.43; 6.37 (of 3)
212 Dorthe Klitgaard Christensen 6.543 DK 6.70; 6.53; 6.40 (of 7)
212 Gerrit Sager 6.543 AT 6.83; 6.73; 6.07 (of 3)
212 Johanna Wallnsdorfer 6.543 MC AT 6.63; 6.57; 6.43 (of 5)
212 Þorgils Kári Sigurðsson 6.543 IS 6.77; 6.43; 6.43 (of 5)
217 Charlotte Cook 6.533 SE DK 6.80; 6.50; 6.30 (of 6)
217 Sandra Weber 6.533 CH 6.70; 6.50; 6.40 (of 4)
219 Hannah Abeln-Korves 6.523 DE 6.63; 6.57; 6.37 (of 6)
219 Jemimah Elizabeth Adams 6.523 BE NL GB 6.57; 6.50; 6.50 (of 7)
219 Lina Bjerke Meisingset 6.523 NO NC 6.57; 6.57; 6.43 (of 7)

222 Fynn Dustert 6.513 DE 6.57; 6.50; 6.47 (of 6)
222 Mikaela Knutzon 6.513 SE 6.57; 6.50; 6.47 (of 8)
224 Katarina V. Pedersen 6.500 DK 6.77; 6.50; 6.23 (of 4)
224 Maxi Wagner 6.500 DE 6.63; 6.50; 6.37 (of 4)
224 Ylfa Guðrún Svafarsdóttir 6.500 IS 6.63; 6.57; 6.30 (of 3)
227 Lea Schell 6.490 IS 6.87; 6.37; 6.23 (of 4)
227 Leonie Hoppe 6.490 DE 6.57; 6.50; 6.40 (of 3)
229 Petra Busam 6.487 AT MC 6.63; 6.50; 6.33 (of 5)
230 Ida-Sofie Kvande 6.480 NO 6.77; 6.40; 6.27 (of 4)

231 Eyvindur Mandal Hreggviðsson 6.477 SE 6.63; 6.57; 6.23 (of 5)
231 Kristín Hermannsdóttir 6.477 IS 6.63; 6.43; 6.37 (of 3)
231 Laura Midtgård 6.477 DK 6.60; 6.43; 6.40 (of 5)
231 Martin Rokkjær Simonsen 6.477 DE DK 6.63; 6.43; 6.37 (of 10)
231 Michelle Munkholm Andersen 6.477 DK 6.77; 6.33; 6.33 (of 4)
231 Tobias Duffner 6.477 DE 6.83; 6.33; 6.27 (of 3)
237 Jan Horndrup Hansen 6.467 DK 6.97; 6.30; 6.13 (of 5)
237 Nora Klaas 6.467 DE 6.57; 6.43; 6.40 (of 6)
237 Vanessa Hauer 6.467 AT 6.63; 6.57; 6.20 (of 4)
240 Anna Richle Gläser 6.457 AT CH 6.60; 6.40; 6.37 (of 5)
240 Julian Veith 6.457 DE 6.70; 6.50; 6.17 (of 5)

242 Kim-Marie Marzahl 6.453 DE 6.63; 6.43; 6.30 (of 5)
243 Ingeborg Steinsdóttir 6.447 NO 6.80; 6.27; 6.27 (of 6)
244 Michala Breyen 6.443 DK 7.00; 6.23; 6.10 (of 4)
244 Rúna Tómasdóttir 6.443 IS 6.53; 6.50; 6.30 (of 4)
246 Matilda Husbom 6.437 SE 6.67; 6.37; 6.27 (of 7)
247 Maria Gjellestad Bosvik 6.433 NO NC 6.50; 6.43; 6.37 (of 6)
247 Mark Timmerman 6.433 NL BE DE 6.50; 6.43; 6.37 (of 5)
249 Húni Hilmarsson 6.430 DE 6.63; 6.33; 6.33 (of 3)
250 Egill Már Þórsson 6.423 IS NC 6.90; 6.27; 6.10 (of 3)
250 Helgi Leifur Sigmarsson 6.423 CH 6.50; 6.50; 6.27 (of 4)
250 Inga Trottenberg 6.423 DE 6.57; 6.37; 6.33 (of 3)

253 Nina Henriksen 6.420 DK 6.50; 6.43; 6.33 (of 8)
254 Camilla Christensen 6.410 DK 6.73; 6.30; 6.20 (of 5)
254 Filippa Jähder 6.410 SE 6.57; 6.33; 6.33 (of 7)
256 Frans Goetschalckx 6.400 BE NL 6.73; 6.27; 6.20 (of 6)
256 Johanna Meronen 6.400 FI 6.57; 6.40; 6.23 (of 3)
256 Jonas Poverud 6.400 NO 6.63; 6.30; 6.27 (of 7)
259 Jens Erik Udsen 6.390 SE DK 6.47; 6.37; 6.33 (of 6)
259 Jökull Gudmundsson 6.390 SE 6.70; 6.27; 6.20 (of 3)
259 Vera Weber 6.390 DE CH 6.77; 6.57; 5.83 (of 3)

262 Carolin Eifler 6.387 DE 6.50; 6.33; 6.33 (of 6)
262 Elsa Teverud 6.387 SE WC 6.50; 6.33; 6.33 (of 6)
264 Hulda María Sveinbjörnsdóttir 6.380 IS 6.77; 6.37; 6.00 (of 3)
264 Ørjan Lien Våge 6.380 NO WC 6.57; 6.50; 6.07 (of 6)
266 Ida Sofie Ellemose 6.377 DK 6.50; 6.50; 6.13 (of 6)
267 Milla Logan 6.370 SE 6.77; 6.27; 6.07 (of 4)
267 Tinna Lindsten 6.370 SE 6.37; 6.37; 6.37 (of 6)
269 James Boás Faulkner 6.367 SE 6.73; 6.57; 5.80 (of 3)
269 Johannes Hoyos 6.367 AT 6.50; 6.43; 6.17 (of 4)
269 Lea Notter 6.367 CH DE 6.40; 6.37; 6.33 (of 6)
269 Sabrina Kah 6.367 DE 6.50; 6.30; 6.30 (of 4)

273 Svanhildur Guðbrandsdóttir 6.357 IS 6.57; 6.50; 6.00 (of 4)
274 Emma Van Der Veer 6.353 BE NL 6.50; 6.33; 6.23 (of 4)
274 Fredrik Rydström 6.353 SE 6.63; 6.23; 6.20 (of 4)
276 Guðmundur Einarsson 6.343 SE 6.70; 6.33; 6.00 (of 3)
276 Katrine Skrubbeltrang 6.343 DK 6.57; 6.23; 6.23 (of 6)
278 Stefán Steinþórsson 6.333 NO 6.37; 6.33; 6.30 (of 3)
279 Alina Aschbacher 6.323 AT 6.37; 6.37; 6.23 (of 4)
279 Caroline Holvad 6.323 DK DE 6.40; 6.30; 6.27 (of 8)
279 Kajsa Lundgren 6.323 SE NC 6.50; 6.27; 6.20 (of 9)
279 Liv Egerland 6.323 DK 6.40; 6.37; 6.20 (of 6)

283 Ida Kathrin Nielsen 6.313 NO 6.70; 6.17; 6.07 (of 7)
284 Alva Bonde Hjortkjær 6.310 DK 6.37; 6.33; 6.23 (of 6)
284 Gerd Engelbrecht 6.310 DK 6.37; 6.33; 6.23 (of 7)
286 Ingolfur Palmason 6.300 NO 6.33; 6.30; 6.27 (of 6)
286 Madeleine Wickström 6.300 SE 6.67; 6.30; 5.93 (of 3)
288 Anja Oppen 6.290 NO 6.40; 6.30; 6.17 (of 3)
288 Carlotta Hergenröther 6.290 DE 6.37; 6.30; 6.20 (of 4)
288 Michelle Marcuse 6.290 DK 6.37; 6.30; 6.20 (of 3)
288 Rebecka Fritzell 6.290 SE 6.57; 6.37; 5.93 (of 3)

292 Manon De Munck 6.287 NL BE DE WC SE 6.33; 6.30; 6.23 (of 8)
293 Nicole Hiltunen 6.280 FI NC 6.67; 6.10; 6.07 (of 6)
294 Roaske Kompagne 6.277 DE NL 6.50; 6.20; 6.13 (of 3)
295 Viktor Vignisson Elgholm 6.267 SE 6.67; 6.10; 6.03 (of 7)
296 Anne-Marie Röst 6.257 SE 6.37; 6.30; 6.10 (of 4)
296 Elín Árnadóttir 6.257 IS 6.37; 6.20; 6.20 (of 6)
296 Stine Sønderland Viken 6.257 NO 6.37; 6.33; 6.07 (of 5)
299 Anders Berget 6.243 NO 6.43; 6.23; 6.07 (of 4)
299 André Ziemann 6.243 NO SE 6.53; 6.10; 6.10 (of 3)
299 Anna Albinus Skadhede 6.243 DE DK 6.30; 6.23; 6.20 (of 5)
299 Julia Haase 6.243 DE 6.43; 6.17; 6.13 (of 4)
299 Mads Borg 6.243 DK DE 6.43; 6.30; 6.00 (of 4)

304 Frøydis Musdalslien 6.233 NO 6.33; 6.30; 6.07 (of 7)
304 Marie Rytter 6.233 DE DK 6.37; 6.33; 6.00 (of 3)
306 Heiður Karlsdóttir 6.220 IS 6.43; 6.13; 6.10 (of 4)
307 Magnús B. Jónsson 6.213 FI 6.70; 6.27; 5.67 (of 4)
307 Sanne Thiemke 6.213 DK SE 6.27; 6.20; 6.17 (of 6)
309 Esmeralda Fall 6.210 SE NO 6.37; 6.23; 6.03 (of 5)
309 Kirsten Valkenier 6.210 NL BE 6.27; 6.23; 6.13 (of 7)
309 Maja Nymann Blitskov 6.210 SE NC DK 6.30; 6.20; 6.13 (of 4)
309 Valeska Lehmann 6.210 CH DE 6.40; 6.30; 5.93 (of 3)

313 Jaap Groven 6.190 BE NL 6.37; 6.13; 6.07 (of 5)
313 Katla Sif Snorradóttir 6.190 IS NC 6.37; 6.17; 6.03 (of 3)
315 Antonella Kubella 6.187 DE 6.23; 6.20; 6.13 (of 3)
315 Lilja Haraldsson 6.187 AT MC 6.43; 6.13; 6.00 (of 4)
315 Moa Karlsson 6.187 SE 6.40; 6.23; 5.93 (of 3)
318 Kelly Eriksson 6.180 SE 6.20; 6.17; 6.17 (of 4)
319 Fiona Bering 6.177 DK 6.50; 6.20; 5.83 (of 4)
319 Hege Andersen 6.177 NO 6.30; 6.23; 6.00 (of 4)
319 Kristin Hauge 6.177 NO 6.33; 6.13; 6.07 (of 4)

322 Eva-Karin Bengtsson 6.167 SE DK 6.23; 6.20; 6.07 (of 5)
322 Stijn Rottiers 6.167 BE NL 6.27; 6.23; 6.00 (of 5)
324 Aidan Carson 6.153 SE 6.23; 6.23; 6.00 (of 3)
325 Askja Ísabel Þórsdóttir 6.147 DK 6.30; 6.07; 6.07 (of 4)
326 Mona Tysland Lillehagen 6.143 NO SE 6.20; 6.13; 6.10 (of 5)
326 Nadine Kunkel 6.143 BE GB WC 6.23; 6.13; 6.07 (of 6)
326 Unnur Lilja Gísladóttir 6.143 IS 6.53; 6.13; 5.77 (of 3)
329 Charlotte Wiggen 6.137 NO 6.27; 6.17; 5.97 (of 8)
330 Sylvana Frigoli 6.130 CH DE 6.23; 6.23; 5.93 (of 3)

331 Arjen Heerema 6.123 NL 6.40; 6.27; 5.70 (of 3)
331 Camilla Mood Havig 6.123 NO 6.37; 6.00; 6.00 (of 4)
331 Magnus Grimsrud 6.123 NO NC 6.23; 6.07; 6.07 (of 7)
331 Maia Leikermoser Wallin 6.123 SE 6.27; 6.23; 5.87 (of 4)
331 Milla Rydström Logan 6.123 SE 6.50; 5.97; 5.90 (of 3)
336 Emma Nielsen 6.120 DK 6.63; 5.93; 5.80 (of 3)
337 Hedda Bjørnstad Larsen 6.113 NO 6.17; 6.17; 6.00 (of 7)
337 Lene Thorud 6.113 NO 6.57; 6.07; 5.70 (of 3)
339 Arnella Nyman 6.110 FI SE 6.33; 6.23; 5.77 (of 3)
339 Katharina Stix 6.110 AT 6.27; 6.23; 5.83 (of 3)
339 Kim Andersen 6.110 SE 6.50; 6.00; 5.83 (of 3)
339 Lowa Walfridsson 6.110 SE 6.23; 6.17; 5.93 (of 4)

343 Elin Öman 6.100 SE 6.23; 6.17; 5.90 (of 3)
343 Jenni Kurki 6.100 FI 6.50; 6.13; 5.67 (of 3)
343 Kári Kristinsson 6.100 IS 6.27; 6.03; 6.00 (of 3)
346 Frida Eliasson 6.090 SE 6.20; 6.07; 6.00 (of 4)
346 Yvonne Groven-Tol 6.090 BE NL 6.13; 6.07; 6.07 (of 6)
348 Kristján Árni Birgisson 6.077 IS 6.33; 6.00; 5.90 (of 3)
349 Sille Risgaard 6.070 DK 6.17; 6.17; 5.87 (of 4)
350 Beatrixe Evertsson 6.067 SE 6.13; 6.07; 6.00 (of 6)

351 Andreas Höpfner 6.057 DE AT 6.27; 6.00; 5.90 (of 3)
351 Fiona Christin Wormsdorff 6.057 DE 6.37; 6.00; 5.80 (of 3)
351 Perly Anett Fossan 6.057 NO 6.17; 6.07; 5.93 (of 3)
351 Sofie Drange 6.057 NO 6.10; 6.10; 5.97 (of 5)
355 Heiða Rún Sigurjónsdóttir 6.047 IS 6.27; 6.00; 5.87 (of 3)
356 Amélie Schnidrig 6.033 CH DE MC 6.07; 6.03; 6.00 (of 6)
357 Camilla Onshuus 6.023 NO 6.07; 6.00; 6.00 (of 5)
357 Mike Van Engelen 6.023 BE NL 6.30; 6.00; 5.77 (of 4)
359 Marilyn Thoma 6.020 DE CH 6.20; 6.13; 5.73 (of 3)
359 Michaela Moser 6.020 AT DE 6.23; 6.00; 5.83 (of 5)

361 Linda Weitz 6.010 DE BE NL 6.17; 5.93; 5.93 (of 6)
362 Dagmar Scholl 6.000 DE 6.30; 6.20; 5.50 (of 3)
362 Miina Sarsama 6.000 FI 6.07; 6.00; 5.93 (of 7)
362 Olivia Helltén 6.000 SE 6.23; 6.07; 5.70 (of 3)
365 Beatrice Von Bodungen 5.990 SE 6.27; 6.03; 5.67 (of 3)
365 Lisa Lambertsen 5.990 DK 6.07; 6.00; 5.90 (of 3)
367 Agnete Præstholm Schneider 5.987 DK 6.03; 6.00; 5.93 (of 4)
367 Julie Sneholt 5.987 SE DK 6.33; 5.83; 5.80 (of 5)
369 Oline Michelson 5.980 NO 6.07; 6.00; 5.87 (of 5)
369 Oskar Fornstedt 5.980 SE 6.07; 6.07; 5.80 (of 6)

371 Kristina Larsen 5.977 DK 6.23; 6.20; 5.50 (of 3)
371 Linnéa Jansson 5.977 SE 6.23; 6.00; 5.70 (of 5)
373 Kathrine Grøfte 5.967 DK 6.13; 5.90; 5.87 (of 3)
373 Lina Asker 5.967 SE 6.33; 6.07; 5.50 (of 3)
375 Sara Arboe 5.957 DE DK 6.00; 6.00; 5.87 (of 5)
376 Trine Jonassen 5.947 NO 6.27; 6.00; 5.57 (of 3)
377 Ebba Johannesen 5.943 SE 6.20; 5.83; 5.80 (of 4)
377 Ingrid Väyrynen 5.943 FI 6.03; 6.00; 5.80 (of 6)
377 Jón Ársæll Bergmann 5.943 IS 6.00; 5.93; 5.90 (of 5)
380 Bjørg Fostervoll Flemmen 5.933 NO 6.07; 6.00; 5.73 (of 4)
380 Tina Engedal Oppen 5.933 NO 6.00; 5.90; 5.90 (of 4)

382 Ellen Andersson 5.923 SE 6.17; 5.97; 5.63 (of 3)
383 Anniina Kanerva 5.920 FI NC 6.13; 5.93; 5.70 (of 4)
383 Valerie Van Helvoort-Kortrijk 5.920 BE NL 5.93; 5.93; 5.90 (of 4)
385 Anne Kathrine Carlsen 5.913 DK 6.20; 5.97; 5.57 (of 3)
385 Nina Kesenheimer 5.913 DE AT 6.07; 5.90; 5.77 (of 4)
387 Elisa Engelby Hegelund 5.890 DK 6.33; 5.77; 5.57 (of 3)
388 Kristian Oaland 5.867 NO 6.03; 5.80; 5.77 (of 3)
389 Jonna Andersson 5.857 SE 6.00; 5.87; 5.70 (of 5)
389 Siri Fog-Poulsen 5.857 DK 6.17; 5.83; 5.57 (of 3)

391 Vera Van Praag Sigaar 5.847 NL 6.00; 5.97; 5.57 (of 3)
392 Catharina Smidth 5.843 DK SE 5.93; 5.83; 5.77 (of 5)
393 Anine Lundh 5.833 NO 6.17; 5.70; 5.63 (of 3)
393 Eyjalín Harpa Eyjólfsdóttir 5.833 IS 6.17; 5.83; 5.50 (of 3)
393 Lasse Schiff 5.833 DE 6.00; 5.83; 5.67 (of 3)
396 Rebecka Brinck 5.820 SE 6.00; 5.73; 5.73 (of 3)
397 Filippa Hammarlund 5.810 SE 5.83; 5.83; 5.77 (of 3)
397 Jonna Thorvaldsson 5.810 SE 5.93; 5.77; 5.73 (of 3)
397 Jutta Korhonen 5.810 FI 6.00; 5.83; 5.60 (of 3)
400 Josefine Lund Damkier 5.800 DK 6.00; 5.77; 5.63 (of 6)
400 Matilde Lund Damkier 5.800 DK 5.93; 5.77; 5.70 (of 4)
400 Moa Johansson 5.800 SE 6.00; 5.83; 5.57 (of 3)

403 Johannes Kroppegård 5.767 SE 5.80; 5.80; 5.70 (of 5)
403 Luka Klaassens 5.767 BE 5.80; 5.77; 5.73 (of 3)
403 Malte Cook Simonsen 5.767 SE DK 6.00; 5.73; 5.57 (of 3)
406 Olivia Kasperczyk 5.757 DK 5.87; 5.73; 5.67 (of 4)
407 Arnold Faber 5.753 US 5.90; 5.73; 5.63 (of 3)
407 Henriette Søvndahl 5.753 DK 5.93; 5.73; 5.60 (of 4)
407 Ladina Füss 5.753 DE 5.93; 5.83; 5.50 (of 3)
410 Mari Väyrynen 5.710 FI 5.87; 5.63; 5.63 (of 3)

411 Ingrid Sofie Krogsæter 5.700 NO 5.80; 5.73; 5.57 (of 3)
412 Hanna Huhta 5.677 FI 5.73; 5.67; 5.63 (of 4)
412 Malene Hertz Simonsen 5.677 DK 5.77; 5.73; 5.53 (of 3)
414 Julia Eriksson 5.657 SE 5.70; 5.70; 5.57 (of 3)
415 Heidi Poukkanen 5.633 FI 5.73; 5.60; 5.57 (of 3)
416 Celine Berild Vold 5.613 NO 5.77; 5.57; 5.50 (of 3)
417 Teodor Svalstrand 5.600 SE 5.70; 5.60; 5.50 (of 3)
418 Emilie Jeanette Teig 5.580 NO 5.67; 5.57; 5.50 (of 3)
419 Nellie Elmgren 5.557 SE 5.67; 5.50; 5.50 (of 3)

Only results in preliminary rounds of T1 – Tölt are included in the FEIF WorldRanking.

IS=Iceland – AT=Austria – AU=Australia – BE=Belgium – CA=Canada – CH=Switzerland – DE=Germany – DK=Denmark – FI=Finland – FO=Faroe Islands – FR=France – GB=Great Britain – IT=Italy – LI=Liechtenstein – LU=Luxembourg – NL=Netherlands – NO=Norway – NZ=New Zealand – SE=Sweden – SI=Slovenia – US=United States of America

FEIF unites people in their passion for the Icelandic horse.
© 1995-2020 – FEIF, International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations

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